Digital Inclusion

Digital Literacy, Skills and Awareness .

AceTech provides opportunities to engage in the digital economy and pursue safe and fair digitally-enabled livelihoods.

Our Commitment !

To cultivate an inclusive future where digital access is a fundamental right for all, ensuring that no one is left behind in the evolving digital landscape.

Design Process
UX Thinking

Digital Inclusion Services !

We recruit, train, equip, and support local youths to become the Digital Inclusion Ambassadors (DIA) to counter the existing and widening digital skills gap between local and wider communities. This enables them to lead in the following digital inclusion activities and services.

Training & Skills

We provide a wide range of digital skills courses through face-to-face, online, and hybrid models


It is essential to build and sustain strong and comprehensive partnerships,

Continued Support

We provide the digital ambassadors with continued support to ensure they successfully help close the digital inclusion gaps they identify in their work

4. Engagement Events

: Workshops, seminars, webinars and events to promote digital literacy and engage with technology expert

Online Educational Resources

: Providing access to online courses and educational materials


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